One Sun Reflexology & Wellness
About Reflexology
A Short History
Nobody really knows when reflexology first began, and in fact arguments have erupted over its discovery. Evidence dating back thousands and thousands of years BC, in Egypt, China, as well as India and other countries indicate that its a modality that has been used in just about every culture, every country and every walk of life to improve health and well being for those who seek its relief.
It wasn't until around the early 20th century that doctors began recording their findings in relation to these ancient ways and finally gave it a name.
Over the years structure and the spread of education have led to Reflexology being practiced worldwide with millions of devoted clients who will all tell you, "Reflexology works!".
Your Reflexology Session
When you give us a try, there are a number of things you can expect right away-a warm greeting, comfortable atmosphere, music of your choice to relax to, and a peaceful environment.
Be sure to wear non-restrictive, comfortable clothing to your session. Turn off any pagers or cell phones to avoid disturbance and the concentration of your therapist.
You will not be required to remove any clothing other than socks and shoes. Legs of the pants may be rolled up toward the knee, long shirt sleeves may be rolled up the arm if need be, but that is all we will need to expose.
You will be given a few simple forms to fill out, but nothing too involved. Just a brief medical history and information. You will be treated to a warm foot soak with Reiki charged river stones and Dead Sea salt (known for its healing qualities) while you fill out the forms and your therapist prepares for you.
**Please indicate before hand if you:
-Are allergic to any essential oils, lotions or creams
-Prefer a certain type of music, or none at all (we have a vast collection plus Pandora, so we can accomadate any taste to create your ultimate relaxation)
-Have any cuts, scrapes, abrasions, burns, rashes, bruises or the like anywhere on the area to be worked on
-Are pregnant or might be
-Are menstruating
-Have any area on your legs, arms, feet, hands, or ears you prefer to not be worked on
-Have any skin conditions such as eczema, shingles, chicken pox, measles, impetigo, or any major health issues such as blood clots, diabetes, flu, cancer, etc. (We will not be able to continue your session if some of these conditions are present, and will recommend you see a licensed physician before returning)
While you soak and fill out your papers, we will briefly discuss your medical history as it pertains to your session, as well as any current issues you might be experiencing , so that we can tailor your session to your exact needs.
Your session will begin with a few relaxation techniques, followed by a full Reflexology treatment of both feet from heels to toes, and parts of the legs. This session will last for one hour. If requested, additional work on the hands, arms and ears can be done which will be another hour and an additional fee will apply.
Your session will leave you feeling centered, balanced and have your circulation moving. Once you are done, you will be asked to relax for a few minutes or as long as you need before getting up from the massage table and putting your shoes and socks back on. (Please remember with oils and or creams on your feet to be extra careful on hard surfaced floors as slipping is possible. Your therapist will assist you if needed.)
Things to remember!
It is important to drink EXTRA water for the next few days after any body work session, as it stirs up toxins trapped in your system and this helps to flush them out.
Everyone reacts differently to treatment. One person may feel energized and revamped, another may go into "veggie" mode and chill out on the couch for the day.
Muscle soreness, fatigue, and cold-like symptoms are perfectly normal the next day, following a session. These symptoms will disappear within 24 hours.
What Reflexology Can Do For You:
The most essential benefit of Reflexology is STRESS RELIEF. It also boosts your immune system and circulation, and helps the body to flow naturally.
Reflexology sessions are meant to be a recurring process that compliments your regular medical care- at least one session per week is recommended for optimum benefit. Just one visit would provide relaxation, but it wouldn't help much long-term. It would be like taking just one dose of an antibiotic!
Stress is the #1 cause of disease worldwide. It may seem too simple to be true, but it is! Relieving stress within yourself will in turn effect those around you, leading to a stronger immune system and making you less susceptible to those nasty colds and flus going around.
Reflexology has been known to help with easing the pain of natural child birth and is available for in home or hospital events.
It also has helped many who are trying to conceive relax and let their body do its job!
Reflexology aids in many complaints and conditions. If you have a question or concern about a present or ongoing condition, please send me a message!
What a Reflexologist CANNOT do:
-I cannot DIAGNOSE medical problems. I am NOT a doctor, so if you have specific concerns, I would be happy to recommend a licensed physician if you are in need of one.
-I cannot PRESCRIBE or alter any medications, herbs or OTC drugs you are currently taking, see above.
-I cannot PREDICT any medical issues
-I cannot TREAT any particular illnesses or injuries.
Q: I would like to schedule a session, but my ankle/foot is in a cast from an injury. Do I have to wait until it comes off?
A: Absolutely not! In a situation like this, we work the unaffected foot as normal, but instead of your other foot, we would actually work the hand on the same side of the body. You will find that Reflexology helps a lot with your healing process and pain management!
Q: I heard that Reflexology/Acupressure hurts! Does it involve needles, and is it very painful?
A: Not even close! The practice of therapy through needles is ACUPUNCTURE and is a completely different modality. My approach to Reflexology does not involve any pain whatsoever. I do not use any tools or other methods. If a reflex area has buildup, there may be slight discomfort when it is being worked, but I will not purposely cause any pain and check with you repeatedly to make sure the pressure and technique I am using is acceptable.
Q: I recently had a session. The day after, I was very sore in some areas and I felt like I was starting to get a cold. Is this normal?
A: It can be! Everybody reacts differently to body work. Some soreness, fatigue, or even cold/flu like symptoms may appear. If they are a side effect from the session, they will disappear within 24 hours. Thats Reflexology working, removing those toxins!
Q: Can Reflexology help me control my Type 2 Diabetes?
A: Sorry, I do not treat specific diseases. I can, however, with regular appointments help you to relax and increase circulation to relieve some of the discomfort. If you need help controling your diabetes, your doctor is who you should speak to. If you do not have a primary care provider, I will be happy to help you find one through my Holistic Health Consultation.
Q: Do you accept insurance?
A: Unfortunately, no. Reflexology is a modality that is not currently regulated in this country, so insurance companies do not recognize it as an official medical treatment.
Having said that, just because insurance companies don't cover Reflexology, doesn't mean it does not work, nor does it mean that reflexologists are "quacks". I price my sessions at a very affordable level and offer several packages/discounts so that everyone can afford to benefit!